Our Story

Cammie, Missy and I welcome you to our online pawtique. Cammie and Missy are better known as Tiny and Beast Pugs on Instagram. Missy is always being mistaken as a puppy and Cammie just has a crazy personality. It was time for the girls to quit their day job of shredding paper and getting up to mischief. They’ve now been promoted to super star fashion models. Meanwhile, I still work 9-5 while I work on this little passion of mine. Who got the better deal here?

Being a pug and a pug cross, they have an unusual body shape and we know all too well that we need to try on clothing before purchasing. We find that we can’t do the clothes up around either their neck or chest. They are either too big or too small for their bodies, so they end up in their birthday suit most the time. Missy especially loves the attention of wearing gorgeous clothes and regularly gets them posted on the 'TnB' instagram account.

Sometimes one simple accessory is all they need and it’s the more affordable way to look fashionable. We love looking at the gorgeous little spunky pugs in their little bow ties. They look very handsome, yet there isn’t much of a range for beautiful ladypugs. I had the idea of making a girly range for them. I wasn't able to find any existing bow tie with tails products in the market, and so wanted to corner it just for them.  I loved making their pretty accessories so much that i have decided to also include some pawsome unisex choices. We hope that you will love the bow ties as much as we do!

Love Cammie and Missy (and their mum).